Tag: Adventures in Publishing
Adventures in Publishing: After the Ball
The agent picked up his phone? “Yes?” he said. “It’s me,” said the editor. “Did you get it?” “Oh, yes,” he sighed, pulling up the email on his laptop. “Right on time.” “You could really set your watch to it,” said the editor. She realized how close to anachronistic the phrase was—who set watches anymore?— but, […]
Adventures in Publishing: The Beauty of a Page
On a previous adventure in publishing, I wrote about the cover designer Young Lin from St. Martin’s Press, who created a cover I would want my book to be judged by. But what about inside the book? Who’s responsible for what that looks like? A month ago, I would have guessed— well, I wouldn’t have […]
Adventures in Publishing: Accordions and Folk Tunes
Wherein we learn that, despite all the awesome coddling that comes with being at a super publishing house, they will not do EVERYTHING for you. Lookie what I got! If I’d a known accordions weighed a ton,I woulda written them heavier. No, I’m not taking up a new hobby. I’ve rented it for a shoot […]
Adventures in Publishing: The Ecstasy and the Agony
“And when I am formulated, sprawling on a pin, When I am pinned and wriggling on the wall Then how should I begin To spit out all the butt-end of my days and ways And how should I presume?” —T.S. Eliot, “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock It is real, folks. I’m hitched. I’ve just […]
Still Browsing…
Things are proceeding on the book front, though it’s still in the “getting the book publisher-ready” stage. Got the first graphic novel section completed and delivered from Sungyoon Choi, and I think it looks marvelous. Heart-breaking, but marvelous. While we’re waiting for rest of the artwork to be completed, Agent J would like to see […]
Adventures in Publishing, Part 1
As you may have heard, I’ve written a novel. It’s called Liberace Under Venetian Skies. Ta Da! It feels like I’ve been working on it almost as long as Flight 815 has been stranded on that island with the polar bears. The book’s been revised, scrutinized, analyzed, and truth be told, I’m crazy-cakes about how […]