Tag: games
Day 4- And Mars Needs Moms: a Diatribe
I told my sister (and fellow user) Sue that I was into day 4 of laying off digital games, and she was amazed. “Are you giving it up for Lent?” she asked. Damn, it is that time of the year. I was just going to see how long I could manage it, but here before […]
Day 2
Okay, I had insomnia all last night—can I blame that on my not playing app games? My second day of cold turkey. No discernible difference in my day, though I seemed to move more efficiently from point A to point B. The day seemed to drag a bit, but maybe that was the zombie effect […]
Day 1
All right, so I’ve gone a day without playing any games but NYT Crossword. The only way I got through it was that I knew I wanted to post something on the blog today (public judgement as incentive). How was my day? Did I get more done? Yes… worked on taxes, got a few minutes […]