She’s 395 Pages, She’s Beautiful, and She’s Mine
We’ve both been trying to trim down. She’s been a lot more successful than I have, but I don’t begrudge her the weight she’s lost. In fact, I can say that I was instrumental in making her trimmer. With some helpful prodding by (ex-) Agent J, she’s got a whole new look: new title, new art for the manuscript cover, and a svelte figure. I’ve only lost two pounds, but she’s twenty-six pages leaner.
We’re ready to step out and greet the New Lunar Year. Bring on the Rabbit!
Topics: This is How it Begins
Very cool. Congratulations
Rabbit, rabbit! (which you have to say on the first day of every month to have good luck for the rest of the month, in case you didn't know) I've got a m.s. that's currently on a reduction plan too.
wow…neat graphic!
Terrific. Can't wait!