Doing laps in the LA Fishbowl

Tag: This is How it Begins

Kafka on the Shore

I had an interesting experience while reading the trippy Kafka on the Shore,  by Haruki Murakami.  I was about three-quarters of the way through it, and the main character is taking a literal and metaphorical plunge into a deep, unexplored woods. I’m reading along, and suddenly it hits me: this is my book! Now, in […]

February 27th, 2011Still Life Las Vegas

She’s 395 Pages, She’s Beautiful, and She’s Mine

We’ve both been trying to trim down. She’s been a lot more successful than I have, but I don’t begrudge her the weight she’s lost. In fact, I can say that I was instrumental in making her trimmer. With some helpful prodding by (ex-) Agent J, she’s got a whole new look: new title, new […]

January 28th, 2011Still Life Las Vegas

A Final Swat of the Tiger

All this week, I kept thinking, “What shall I write about? What will be my first blog of the new year? I need for something to happen!” Be careful what you wish for. My new-found literary agent, Agent J, phoned me a few days ago with some unexpected news: he’s no longer going to be […]

January 17th, 2011Still Life Las Vegas