Doing laps in the LA Fishbowl

Monthly Archives: April 2011

Sounding Off

Spending the morning reading the tutorial on how to use a digital recording application I’ve just downloaded called “Audacity.” Exciting, eh? I’m setting up a home recording “studio” (AKA my study closet) so that I can record voiceover auditions from home, thus garnering me more chances to yell my brains out on all manner of […]

April 29th, 2011Still Life Las Vegas

Birds are Back in Town

Tick. Tick. Tick. Minutes before Easter Sunday. I’ve placed the giant log of brioche dough rolled with cinnamon and sugar in the refrigerator, from where it will be taken out the next morning, sliced, left to rise up gloriously like our Savior, and be transubstantiated into pecan sticky buns. The pizza rusticas are cooling on […]

April 26th, 2011Still Life Las Vegas

A Small Indiscretion

Sunday: it was a tiring, unspun day, clogged with snotty tissues rising like yeast on my son’s night stand, bowls of uneaten soup and cups of unsipped tea, rumpled sheets and the constant search for the inhaler to administer puffs of albuterol. A sleepless night. The day meted out in four-hour increments for medication. Finally, […]

April 21st, 2011Still Life Las Vegas

Sunday Roundup

“Today, the minutes seem like hours,  The hours go so slowly, And still the sky is light…” This lyric is not describing an impending lover’s tryst. It is describing what it’s like to have a child sick at home for FIVE DAYS with a cold. One that seemingly abates during the day, allowing him to […]

April 17th, 2011Still Life Las Vegas