I wrote my blog, but the dog ate it.
Yes, yes, I know. MIA. Big time. It was, you know… life. Intruding. Extruding. Imploding. Not one thing, but an aggregate of STUFF conspired to knock me off my regular posting. Mea Culpa.
I know there’s really no excuse, but that won’t stop me from listing them:
10. An interminable spring break, with trips hither and yon (New York, Ventura County), equipped with naught but an iPad, which makes for trickier posting. Saw a lot of old friends, my sister, a great play and a few dolphins, but got very little writing done. I need routine, damn it!
9. A miserable tax season, with ever-mounting piles of paper threatening to overwhelm me, à la Brazil:
8. Work! Last week I had 4 voiceover sessions in 5 days. Plus a couple of on-camera auditions. A rare but welcome concentration of gigs. I did two highly-anticipated computer games (a violent one and a fantasy one; can’t say more— non-disclosure forms abound) plus a Kung Fu Panda TV episode. Did you see the one where I play Monkey AND his brother?
Get More: Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness Episodes,Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness,Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness Games
7. Going back home for my parents’ birthdays and my father’s back surgery.
6. Recovering from time spent back at home.
5. Game of Thrones season 2!
1. Who am I kidding? Draw Something, anyone?* ** ***
Onward and upward. Welcome back!
Topics: An Iliad • Brazil • Draw Something • Game of Thrones • Harry Tuttle • iCloud • Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness • Monkey • New York • OSX Lion • Sugarsync • Trader Joe • Ventura • W.E.L.D.E.R.
You crack me up.
ox, Gen VJ
Frankly, I am a bit shocked that I didn't make the list…
Oh, Doug, you're ALWAYS on the list. Like a fir, your distractions are evergreen…