Doing laps in the LA Fishbowl

Tag: Sungyoon Choi

Adventures in Publishing: Please Judge My Book by Its Cover

IT’S HERE. When I first opened the email attachment that had the possible cover of “Still Life Las Vegas” in it, I gasped and slammed my computer shut. It was nothing that I expected: there was so many images, so much color, and it was oddly… Perfect.  I’ve never met Young Lim, the designer at […]

November 14th, 2014Still Life Las Vegas

Am I Blue?

“It always starts with a blue Volvo, driving away.”  —Still Life Las Vegas In some ways, my book must be a big pain in the ass for my publishers. I mean, they bought a novel, but it’s not just a straight up novel. There’s narrative art in it as well (the twenty-buck term for cartoons). […]

September 24th, 2014Still Life Las Vegas

No April Fools— 90 Day Challenge Begins Today!

I’ve done it. After a massive assist from my illustrator, Sungyoon Choi, the manuscript of Still Life Las Vegas has been delivered to my editor Sara at St. Martin’s Press. Nothing so hefty as a giant stack of papers boxed up and shipped, just a digital PDF Dropboxed over the internet, but it’s a weighty milestone […]

April 1st, 2014Still Life Las Vegas

Adventures in Publishing Part 2

Where the hell have I been? Sorry, sorry to be so out of action. I’ve been doing stuff, honest! And not just catching up on “The Walking Dead”and reorganizing my son’s school library (which, yes, I have undertaken, giving further credence to my uber-geek status— Step-stools! Langston Hughes Quotes! Magnetic Chalkboards! Bookmarks with Neil Gaiman […]

November 14th, 2010Still Life Las Vegas

Warning! Contents of a Graphic Nature to Follow!

I’ve got something really exciting to share with y’all today: some graphic novel art, written by me and illustrated by the mongo talented artist Sungyoon Choi.  The novel I’ve written, Liberace Under Venetian Skies, is mostly in prose, but it also incorporates sections of graphic novel, handwritten marginalia and fragments of screenplay. I’m a big […]

September 11th, 2010Still Life Las Vegas