Doing laps in the LA Fishbowl

Monthly Archives: May 2010

V is for… Whaaa?

All right, I told myself I wouldn’t be writing about too much family stuff… privacy issues, unfair to the kid, etc. etc…. but this just begs to be shared. The Sex Talk is upon us! Maybe we shouldn’t have been playing “FutureSex/Lovesounds”to Benjamin at age 6,  but at age 8 he’s got questions. Lots of […]

May 26th, 2010Still Life Las Vegas

Adventures in Publishing, Part 1

As you may have heard, I’ve written a novel. It’s called Liberace Under Venetian Skies. Ta Da! It feels like I’ve been working on it almost as long as Flight 815 has been stranded on that island with the polar bears. The book’s been revised, scrutinized, analyzed, and truth be told, I’m crazy-cakes about how […]

May 24th, 2010Still Life Las Vegas

The Antidote to Hate

Tony Perkins.  James Dobson. Michelle Bachman. George Rekers. Congressman/Philanderer Mark Souder and his “Abstinence Video.” BP. That judge in Malawi. BEGONE! You have no power here. Today, you are NOT going to get to me. I’ve found something that, unbelievably, makes me happier than a James Bond sighting in a gay bar: Apparently, this was a birthday surprise […]

May 18th, 2010Still Life Las Vegas


My Personal Arsenal of Procrastination Weapons Name: How Smart is Your Right Foot? Type: Useless, yet oddly fascinating, brain test. Origin: Forwarded on from, believe it or not, from my Zen Buddhist Abbot/teacher. My Roshi! Isn’t she supposed to be teaching me how to free my mind from distraction? Damage: Minimal. Takes barely a minute to […]

May 15th, 2010Still Life Las Vegas

What a Road of Clap

Way back in the day, when I was starting my acting career in Chicago (I’m talking waaaaay back, in the Dark Ages of pagers and dot matrix printers) I got sent out on one of my first commercial auditions, for Ace Hardware. You know, the place with the helpful hardware man? They were looking for […]

May 10th, 2010Still Life Las Vegas