Doing laps in the LA Fishbowl

Tag: Dorie Greenspan


First of all, Doug is not carrying around a little joey in his gut. That’s just silly. You look just fine, darling.  Just fine. Now grab another piece of pumpkin pecan pie and come to bed. Don’t forget the whipped cream. The day began with military precision. Counters cleared, dishes put away, utensils at the […]

November 25th, 2011Still Life Las Vegas

Gettin’ My Turkey On

For me, there are two culinary High Holy Days: Thanksgiving and Lunar New Year’s Eve. These are the pedal-to-the-metal, grueling, marathon cooking holidays that truly test your skill and endurance in the kitchen. I love the challenge. This year we’ll be hosting Doug’s entire family, plus a couple of friends, and I’ve already begun preparing, […]

November 21st, 2011Still Life Las Vegas

Reality TV Feeds Me

A friend of mine once commented that I should start a cooking blog. Is my need for procrastination so apparent? The amount of cooking I do does seem to be in inverse proportion to how much writing I’m getting done. That said, some tasty meals have been thrown down of late. I’ve fixated on this […]

May 24th, 2011Still Life Las Vegas