Tag: Still Life Las Vegas
New York State of Mind
In just a couple of months, it will be the one-year birthday of Still Life Las Vegas, and what better way to celebrate that milestone (a little prematurely) than by a trip to New York City to see friends & family and attend the Lammy Awards? New York obliged resplendently, gracing us with warm but breezy weather […]
Watching My Step in 2016
2016 hobbles in. Or, more accurately, I hobble in to 2016. Late last night, walking the dog after midnight, I started scrolling on my phone in the dark to see how people were celebrating the new year on Facebook, and twisted my ankle on a rut in the road. It was an apt admonishment to begin the year: be mindful. Be aware. Or you might make a misstep.
Catching Up
Oh, but it’s been a long long time since I’ve written— I’d like to say it’s because I’ve been on a whirlwind tour promoting my book, but really it’s just been Life: a new writing class at Los Angeles Writer’s Workshop, the Olympic marathon that is Thanksgiving, high school applications and tours, the annual clusterfuck of holiday events and shopping and year-end minutiae. However, there have been a few work-related events to savor in the dwindling glow of 2015
Here, There, and Everywhere
A flurry of October events that has left me a bit discombobulated but ever so satisfied… The month began with a return to the hometown of my adulthood—Chicago. I’d imagined a homecoming similar to Bette Midler’s in “The Rose”—I would get up to do a reading, start singing “Let Me Call You Sweetheart” and collapse (cue plaintive piano […]
Adventures in Publishing: After the Ball
The agent picked up his phone? “Yes?” he said. “It’s me,” said the editor. “Did you get it?” “Oh, yes,” he sighed, pulling up the email on his laptop. “Right on time.” “You could really set your watch to it,” said the editor. She realized how close to anachronistic the phrase was—who set watches anymore?— but, […]
I Could Have Danced All Night
The publish date crept in quietly, with little fanfare but great anticipation. It had the hope of Christmas Eve mixed with the nervousness of the first day of school. I lay awake in my bed at 4:20 AM, imagining owls swooping across the dusky pre-dawn sky, brown-paper-wrapped parcels clutched in their talons, as they deposited my book on doorsteps across the land…
The Pub Date Cometh
Less than a week to go before the book hits the shelves, and I’m up at 5:20, ruminating… …Last night the heavy shelves above our desk in the study collapsed, bringing down with it all manner of folders, notebooks and small work-related tchotchkes. The iMac hurtled to the ground, knocked down by the lamp above. […]
Hands Off the Safety Bar
Less than three weeks before my book is released to the world, and things are about to get REAL. Lots of news, including book tour dates, the audio book, and a VIRTUAL BOOK SIGNING! Read on!
When Worlds Collide (in a good way)
I get to bring both my superpowers together next month, when I head into the booth and record the audio version of Still Life Las Vegas! Woo hoo! Summer’s just started, and many things are a’brewin’…