Doing laps in the LA Fishbowl

Monthly Archives: September 2010

Nine Years

How could shame blight such a wondrous day? I should be posting the delicious baked treats my son will eat for his birthday celebration at school, a photo of me holding a plate of homemade Yodels, those chocolate-covered mini cake rolls. But no, there will be no such photo springing up on Facebook, only this […]

September 30th, 2010Still Life Las Vegas

Warning! Contents of a Graphic Nature to Follow!

I’ve got something really exciting to share with y’all today: some graphic novel art, written by me and illustrated by the mongo talented artist Sungyoon Choi.  The novel I’ve written, Liberace Under Venetian Skies, is mostly in prose, but it also incorporates sections of graphic novel, handwritten marginalia and fragments of screenplay. I’m a big […]

September 11th, 2010Still Life Las Vegas